The 13th Annual General Meeting of the Association held on 05th October 2023 at the Conference Hall of the Association as well as through Zoom video link.
The AGM considered and adopted the Audited Financial Statements of the Association for the year ended June 30, 2023 together with Chairman’s Report and Auditor’s Report and approved the appointment of M/s. Jawed Abdul Ghaffar & Co., Chartered Accountants as Auditor for the year ended June 2024.
As per amendments in Trade Organizations Act, 2013 vide Gazette Notification dated November 03, 2022, the Office Bearers (Mr. Mahfuz-ur Rehman Pasha, Chairman, Mr. Shuja Malik, Senior Vice Chairman and Mr. Irfan Ahmed, Vice Chairman) will continue for the 2nd year concluding on 30-09-2024.
Mr. Mahfuz-ur-Rehman Pasha, Chairman while addressing the AGM briefed on the efforts and challenges of the sectors. He said that with the co-operation and co-ordination of the members, the Association will put in their best efforts to resolve the issues facing the sector.

Syed Izzat Hussain while conducting the AGM

Mr. Mahfuz-ur Rehman Pasha addressing to the 13th AGM

View of virtual participant

View of physical participants

Group Photo