Meeting of Chief Executive of Modaraba with Mr. Javaid Hussain, Registrar Modaraba.
A view of the participants of the Meeting.
Mr. Basheer A. Chowdry, Chairman NBFI & MAP presenting his welcome address.
A view of participants of the Meeting.
L-R. Mr. Murtaza Ahmed Ali, Vice Chairman, Mr. Javed Hussain, Registrar Modaraba, Mr. Basheer A. Chowdary, Chairman and Mr. Muhammad Samiullah, Secretary General
Mr. Basheer A. Chowdry, Chairman NBFI & MAP,presenting a memento to Mr. Jawed Hussain, Registrar Modaraba, Mr. Murtaza Ahmed Ali, Vice Chairman & Mr. Muhammad Samiullah, Secretary General are also seen in the picture.
Mr. Jawed Hussain, Registrar Modaraba SECP, addressing the audience.