NBFI & Modaraba Association of Pakistan in collaboration with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) organized a Workshop on “Applicability of IFRS-9” on 22nd February 2022 at the Conference Hall of the Association.

The participants attended the workshop both physically and virtually through zoom.

Syed Izzat Hussain – Secretary General, NBFI & MAP welcomed all and invited Mr. Aqeel Ahmad Zeeshan – Additional Director, SECP for a formal introduction of workshop.

Mr. Aqeel Ahmad Zeeshan briefly described about the workshop and its importance and thanked the ICAP.

Mr. Khattab Baig – Partner A. F Ferguson & Company, Mr. Muhammad Rehan – Senior Director EY Ford Rhodes and Mr. Shehzad Hussain – Senior Manager A.F Ferguson & Company conduct the workshop. Mr. Raheel Qamar Ahmad, MD & CEO, OLP Modaraba and Chairman of the Association presented concluding remarks and distributed Certificates to the participants and Plaques to the Trainers.