A meeting with Dr. Imam Uddin and Khwaja Masood Raza of Institute of Business Management (IOBM) was held on 17th December 2021 at the office of ORIX Modaraba. Mr. Raheel Qamar Ahmad, CEO & MD, ORIX Modaraba & Chairman NBFI & MAP, Mr. Qazi Obaid, CFO & CS, First Equity Modaraba & Member EC, Syed Izzat Hussain, Secretary General, NBFI & MAP, Ms. Asma Farooque, Coordinator CEO & MD ORIX Modaraba, and Ms. Sonya Pervez, Manager Operations NBFI & MAP attended.

The Chairman briefed about the Association’s objectives, performance and issues being faced by the NBFI and Modaraba sector and discussed various possibilities of mutual interest specially awareness of NBFI & Modaraba sector and a hybrid internship program to facilitate the students of universities. Dr. Imam appreciated the views of Mr. RQA and showed willingness to work with the sector. He added that there is a strong need to create awareness about Islamic mode of Financing as there is a lot of misconception about it in general public and can be achieved with mutual efforts.