The 11th Annual General Meeting of the Association held on 28th September 2021 at the Conference Hall of the Association as well as through Zoom video link.
As per announcement of Election Results Mr. Raheel Qamar Ahmad has been elected Chairman for the Year 2021-22 while Mr. Karim Hatim as Senior Vice Chairman and Mian Faysal Riaz as Vice Chairman of NBFI & Modaraba Association of Pakistan.
Mr. Basheer A. Chowdry outgoing Chairman while addressing the AGM briefed on the efforts and challenges of the sectors and congratulated the incoming Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members. Mr. Chowdry thanked to Mr. Muhammad Samiullah, the outgoing Secretary General and appreciated the services rendered by him to the Association and welcomed the incoming Secretary General Syed Izzat Hussain.
Mr. Muhammad Samiullah outgoing Secretary General thanked the Executive Committee and the Members of the Association for co-operation with him during his tenure. Syed Izzat Hussain incoming Secretary General also thanked the Executive Committee for his appointment and assured for his best services.
Mr. Raheel Qamar Ahmad incoming Chairman and Mr. Muhammad Shoaib Ibrahim also addressed the AGM.

Mr. Basheer A. Chowdry, Chairman presenting memento & bouquet to Mr. Muhammad Samiullah outgoing Secretary General

Mr. Raheel Qamar Ahmad incoming Chairman presenting memento & bouquet to Mr. Basheer A. Chowdry outgoing Chairman

L-R: Mr. Muhammad Samiullah, Mr. Basheer A. Chowdry & Syed Izzat Hussain

Group Photo with the staff of Association’s Secretariat