NBFI & Modaraba Association of Pakistan arranged a launching ceremony of Year Book 2015 & Distribution of Best Performance Awards 2015 on Thursday the March 17, 2016 at Movenpick Hotel, Karachi.
Mr. Zafar Abdullah, Commissioner (SCD), SECP was the Chief Guest, while Mr. Shahid Nasim, Mr. Imran Inayat Butt, Executive Director and Mr. Shahid Mahmood, Registrar Modaraba from SECP and Mr. S. Khalid Tawab, Senior Vice President, FPCCI participated in the ceremony. The ceremony was attended by CEOs of Modarabas, Leasing Companies, Investment Banks and other guests.
Mr. Mahfuz-ur Rehman Pasha, Chairman, NBFI & Modaraba Association of Pakistan addressed the ceremony and presented the Year Book to the Chief Guest Mr. Zafar Abdullah.
The Chief Guest distributed the Awards to the following winning top five best performers of NBFI & Modaraba sectors for the year ended 30th June, 2015:
First Position
ORIX Leasing Pakistan Limited – Mr. Ramon Alfrey, CFO received the Award.
Second Position
Allied Rental Modaraba – Mr. Murtaza Ahmed Ali, CEO, received the Award.
Third Position
First Habib Modaraba – Mr. Muhammad Shoaib Ibrahim, CEO, received the Award
Fourth Position
Standard Charted Modaraba – Mr. Raheel Q. Ahmad, CEO received the Award
Fifth Position
First UDL Modaraba – Mr. Ather Naqi, CEO received the Award
The Association also awarded a Special Award to Mr. Teizoon Kisat, former CEO, ORIX Leasing Pakistan Limited for his meritorious services to the leasing sector.