Launching Ceremony of Year Book 2012

NBFI & Modaraba Association of Pakistan arranged a launching ceremony of Year Book 2012 on Monday the 8th July 2013 at Sheraton Karachi Hotel.

Mr. Asif Jalal Bhatti, Mr. Shahid Nasim, Mr. Jawed Hussain and Mr. Shahid Mahmood participated. The ceremony was attended by CEOs of Modaraba and Leasing sectors.

Mr. Raheel Q. Ahmad, Chairman, NBFI & MAP presented the Year Book to the Chief Guest Mr. Shahid Nasim.

Performance Awards were given to:
Allied Rental Modaraba
     Mr. Faisal Ali, Director, ARM received the Award.
First Habib Modaraba
     Mr. Muhammad Shoaib, CEO, received the Award.
ORIX Leasing Pakistan Limited
Mr. Teizoon Kisat, CEO received the Award.
Standard Chartered Modaraba
    Mr. Raheel Q. Ahmad, CEO received the Award.
First Habib Bank Modaraba
    Mr. Shabi Hasan, CFO & CS received the Award.
Award was also given to Modaraba Al-Mali for completing 25 Years of its operation.