Mr. Murtaza Ahmed Ali, CEO Allied Rental Modaraba, receiving award from Mr. Muhammad Ali, Chairman SECP. Mr. Basheer A. Chowdary, Chairman NBFI & Modaraba Association of Pakistan, also seen in picture.

Mr. Rafiq Dawood, Chairman B.R.R Guardian Modaraba , receiving Shield from Mr. Muhammad Ali, Chairman SECP.

Mr. Muhammad Shoaib Ibrahim, CEO First Habib Modaraba, receiving Shield from Mr. Muhammad Ali, Chairman SECP.

Mr. Muhammad Ali, Chairman SECP, presenting Shield to Mr. Teizoon Kisat, CEO ORIX Leasing Pakistan Limited.

Mr. Basheer A. Chowdary, presenting a memento of the Association to the Chief Guest Mr. Muhammad Ali.

Mr. Muhammad Ali addressing to the participants of the ceremony.

A group photo of the recipients of awards with the Chief Guest and other Executives.